About the project
Initial development of Providence Manor began in 1986. The agreement with Butler County was that the HOA would manage the storm water drainage sewer pipes located outside the street right of ways, or about 5 feet past the curb. All HOA agreements with the County both then and now are stated and executed in this manner. This is the largest capital asset for the HOA requiring us to have a reserve for maintenance. The Board has undertaken the continuing project to update our information on the condition of this piping system. This project will be conducted in phases as reserve money becomes available and will include determination of which sections of pipe will need to be repaired, vendor selection for repairs, and eventually completion of the repair work.
Our subdivision streets are up to 38 years old in 2024 depending on your street. The pipes on HOA property running from streets connecting with Wethersfield from the Basin on Park Ridge to Walnut Creek and Walnut Creek from Hamilton-Mason to past Overland Park are primarily corrugated metal pipes with a 20-30-year lifespan. If the foundation is firm, tree roots haven’t encroached, etc. they could function well closer to 40 years. The Township and County have already replaced some pipes along Wethersfield and other areas. The HOA is responsible for close to 4000LF of pipe from 12 inch to 36 inch diameter in these areas.
Coordination & Financial Responsibility
Both financial and coordination of contractors is handled by the Providence Manor HOA Board. Expenses for the project will come from the HOA’s Capital Reserves fund.
For this project, we have split the neighborhood into sections to handle this project in phases.

The next chunk of work will be prioritized and ready to execute the contract process when the reserve is built up to cover the costs of several pipes.
In the next 5 years the next chunk of work will be finalized based on funds available and bids for the work. This process will repeat until all the CMP pipes have been relined.
Park Ridge to Walnut Creek Dr to Overland Park Ct 4000LF
2024 completed: 9 pipes = 2100 LF
<5 yr plan to do: 7 pipes = 900 LF
1000 LF* remaining in this area.
*Includes 300LF of HOA owned pipe that will only be completed as a part of Township owned pipe repair – timing unknown. HOA would not initiate work.

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Communication & Updates
A group has been created in TownSq which includes all affected homeowners. We will post timely updates to that group and post general updates to the entire community periodically. Homeowners wishing to stay informed should sign up for TownSq. Learn more about Townsq and how to sign up.